Plants Services About Contact
Our services are primarily for locals of western Ky and Calloway Co.
If you're interested or would
like to know more,
please feel free to contact
Expert Consultation - We can diagnose and correct plant problems
such as diseases,
insect damage, nutrient deficiency, etc. With decades of experience,
we can provide advice from the technical to the artistic.
Soil Testing - We can test your soil pH ourselves
or send it off to a lab for comprehensive analysis of your soil content. We
will also look at other factors in play i.e. lighting, moisture, etc
to ensure you have the best possible environment for your situation.
Landscaping - We've done many landscaping projects over the years.
We can readily provide
recommendations and depending on the project, complete it ourselves. We've
studied primarily under Japanese Sukiya style gardens and English styles.
Tours - Mikulcik's Nursery includes its own botanic garden
in-progress with a large collection
of rare plants on its 18 acre location. Private group tours are potentially available at select
times of the year by appointment only for garden groups.
Bamboo Poles - We can cut small to medium quantities of bamboo
poles to order, up to 2 inches
Other - We are willing to accept a few local jobs for pruning,
pesticide/herbicide application, etc.
on a case by case basis.