Plants Services About Contact
Mikulcik's Nursery Inc. is a family owned and operated business since its start in 1993. It arose out of a passion for plants, and it's that passion that's kept it alive until now. It started off as a modest corn field, 18 acres big, on the south east side of Murray, Ky. David Mikulcik, its founder, slowly created a jungle. After studying horticulture at Murray State and Clemson, he put his scientific background into practice.
Over the years, he became better and better at propagation, and he continued his many breeding projects, and his collection of plants grew and grew. What started as a nursery began to take shape into a botanic garden as each new member was planted into the Kentucky earth.
Today, he continues the work to which he dedicated his life: making the world a more beautiful place. Gardens are special places. In the garden of Eden, mankind was created, and there grew various trees "that were delightful to look at and good for food" [Gen 2:9]. It has always been part of man's nature to delight in the nature around us and often that is missing in our modern world of technology. The ancient people had ornamental gardens at least as far back as 4000 years ago. All of us today can do the same and not lose touch of our roots. There are many reasons for gardening. Don't grow plants just because it sells a house. Find beauty in God's creation and share in our passion stretching for millenia.