Plants Services About Contact
This site is currently in development, so you can expect to see changes and updated information frequently. We appreciate your patience.
We have a wide variety of plants. Many are not ready to be sold immediately, but we can take long term orders. All wholesale orders are long term for now. Not everything on this list is in stock, especially in large quantities. Pricing now is only an estimate and is subject to change.
As a general rule, shipping is limited, but we may make local deliveries. Since we do not have a full-time salesman, our orders are on-site pick-up by appointment only.
Due to our extensive breeding work, we have many seedling plants available. Inquire if interested in seedling plants (not named varieties). Also, we do more extensive work with Japanese Maples, Camelia, and Rhododendrons (including Azaleas).
List By Common Name List By Scientific Name